Virtual Light Saber Fencing using Intel Technology


Ran across this article when I was doing some research for…ahem…a project I’m working on…(Can you guess?)

Basically, (in my layman understanding) Intel has been working on light technology to allow different devices to communicate more easily.  Such as Traffic Lights being to communicate with your car directly. At this research day in 2009, they did a “show and tell” of the possibilities, including virtual light saber fencing…

Dual duelling

But the two biggest hits from Research Day 2009 may not do much for Intel’s profitability. The first was virtual fencing, demonstrated with light sabres, which attracted TV crews and just about every reporter with a video camera. This used stereo video cameras to capture the movements of two combatants at different locations and show the results on a single screen.


I feel the future of our sport lies in our ability to creatively and powerfully upgrade the technology…and yes, I’m working on it…