Vanity Fair Online Mentions Michael Phelps, Eli Manning and Fencers?!?!


Vanity Fair online’s Society and Style section had an article about all the events in NYC last night and how Michael Phelps, Oprah and Britney were all within blocks of each other.

In their write up of the Sports Illustrated “Sportsman of the year” party they mentioned four people that were in attendance– Michael Phelps, Eli Manning…(and then amazingly they mentioned)…Jason Rogers and me! 

From Vanity Fair:
Tim Morehouse and Jason Rogers, the Olympic silver medalists in fencing who have been very conspicuously making the party rounds in Manhattan lately. ”

Totally funny.  Are we making progress to promote our sport? (Hope so!) Kudos to Vanity Fair writer Jessica Flint for the mention…we’ll have to get her fencing sometime soon!